Corporate gifts of all sizes create measurable results and lasting impact throughout the Greater Lehigh Valley. Support causes you believe in, and your company will be recognized for your charitable contribution.
To get started, contact Shaun Marakovits at 610-807-5727.
Run a Workplace
Make charitable giving quick and simple for your team by hosting an annual fundraiser through your workplace.
Education Improvement
Tax Credit
Give back to your community by contributing to an Education Improvement Tax Credit program through United Way.
View a full list of more than 300 companies and organizations powering the work of your United Way.
“I want to know that the money I’m giving is going to the Lehigh Valley because that’s where I live and that’s where my family, friends and customers are from. United Way takes care of the Valley.”
Joseph Solenske
Wegmans Food Markets
In the News
Supporting Our Future: The Children’s Home of Easton Partners with United Way
New Partner Spotlight: The Children’s Home of Easton strives to help children believe in their self-worth, achieve permanency and prepare for productive futures.
United Way Welcomes The PM Foundation: A New Partner for Mental Health and Community Wellness
New partner spotlight: The Preventive Measures Foundation focuses on improving mental health in marginalized communities through education, investment and support.