Key Strategies to advance community stability:
“My housing advocate didn’t quit, and because of her, we’re still at home.
Parent in the Bethlehem Area School District

community stability partners
Listed below are all of our current funded* and non-funded partners.
Allentown Area Ecumenical Food Bank
Allentown Rescue Mission
American Red Cross of the Greater Lehigh Valley*
ARC of Lehigh and Northampton Counties
ARC of Northeastern Pennsylvania*
Ascend Counseling Services, Inc.
Bloom for Women*
Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Community Center*
Carbon County Action Committee for Human
Casa Guadalupe Center*
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Allentown*
Cay Galgon Life House
Community Action Lehigh Valley*
Crime Victims Council of the Lehigh Valley, Inc.*
Domestic Violence Service Center, Inc.*
Easton Area Neighborhood Center, Inc.*
Family Promise of Carbon County*
Family Promise of the Lehigh Valley
Global Hope International
Goodwill Keystone Area
Greater Community Development Corp
Greater Valley YMCA*
Habitat for Humanity of the Lehigh Valley
Haven House
Kellyn Foundation*
Lehigh Carbon Community College Foundation
Lehigh Conference of Churches*
Lehigh Valley Black Church Housing Alliance
Lehigh Valley Center for Independent Living*
Maternity Care Coalition
Meals on Wheels of the Greater Lehigh Valley*
Miller-Keystone Blood Center*
New Bethany Ministries*
North Penn Legal Services
Nurture Nature Center
Operation Address The Homeless
PA 2-1-1 East*
Parkland C.A.R.E.S. Food Pantry
Preventive Measures Foundation, Inc.
ProJeCt of Easton*
Raising the House
Ripple Community Inc.
Safe Harbor Easton*
Slater Family Network*
Summit Hill Heritage Center
The Ortiz Ark Foundation*
The Rilyc
The Salvation Army of the Lehigh Valley*
Third Street Alliance for Women & Children*
Turn To Us
Turning Point of Lehigh Valley, Inc.*
Unidos, Inc.*
Valley Wealth Alliance
Vet Beds
Victory House of Lehigh Valley*
YWCA of Bethlehem*
In the News

United Way Awards $250,000 in Funding through UNITED for Mental Health Grants
Twenty-one organizations focused on prioritizing mental well-being of young people and directly addressing veterans’ mental health receive funding to develop social-emotional skills, remove barriers to accessing resources and increase awareness.

February 11 is 211 Day: Connecting Our Community to Critical Resources
PA 211 is a free, confidential helpline that connects people to essential services like housing, food, healthcare and more—24/7/365.