Approximately 260 families received Thanksgiving meals and essentials at Panther Valley Elementary School Thanksgiving Food Pantry

On November 16, Panther Valley Elementary School, a new United Way Community School and the first in Carbon County, held a special Thanksgiving Food Pantry. The pantry provided 260 families with Thanksgiving meal essentials such as turkey, ham, cranberry sauce, corn, potatoes, lettuce, stuffing, Cornish hens and more.
Thanks to funds contributed to the Community Health Department at St. Luke’s University Health Network, Panther Valley was able to purchase hams from Boyer’s Food Market in Tamaqua, PA. Turkeys were donated from private donors and handed out to selected families. Second Harvest Food Bank of the Lehigh Valley and Northeast Pennsylvania helped provide and deliver all Thanksgiving essentials to ensure that all families had what they needed to have a Happy Thanksgiving.